Monday, October 3, 2011

Tom's Diner

Know the song (by Susan Vega)? Seen Seinfeld? Well, on the way home from the Cloisters I decided to track down and find this famous diner. It is located on the cnr of Broadway and 112th street in the Upper West side of Manhattan. Only about 15 minutes (train ride) from the Cloisters.

The outside is just like what you see in Seinfield, except for the name "Tom", but the inside is completely different.

Outside Tom's Diner (the image famous from Seinfield).

Inside Tom's Diner.
The service was horrible.....everything was a problem and the food was absolutely crap! I wouldn't waste my time going to see it. It was a real let down. But considering the day I had up at the Cloisters I wasn't too upset.