Saturday, October 29, 2011

An afternoon with Martha Stewart

Ok hand me my glue gun......

No seriously, on Wednesday I went to see the Martha Stewart show being recorded. Her studios are one block from where we live (cnr 26th and seventh Ave).

Outside the Martha Stewart Studios

I was warned that people line up early, because even though you have been confirmed for the recording it is still first come, first serve when getting a seat. So I decided to get there an hour and a half before the scheduled time and I was first in line! When I spoke to one of the attendants that worked there he said that people generally start lining up around the time I got there, so I didn't feel too silly. And sure enough, ten minutes after I got there people started to line up behind me.

So the way it works is, an hour and a half before recording, they let you into a "Green" room where you are issued a seat number and you need to pass through security (crazy I anyone is going to blow up Martha Stewart!!!!!).

My ticket
Whilst in the greenroom they have a "mini" starbucks set up so you can try their coffee for free (no thank you!) and then you fill out a form giving consent to them being allowed to film you. After about 40 minutes the "Audience Manager" comes down and tells everyone what the show is going to be about and the freebies you will be getting. The show I saw had to do with animals, and all the freebies were for pets (just what I needed....NOT). He also takes you through all the signals that he is going to display during the show to get you cheer, clap, say "mmmmmm", and "aaaaahhhhhhh" (pretty cheezie I know!).

Audience Manager teaching the audience the different signals he'll use to get the audience to clap, cheer etc

Mini Starbucks where you can taste their coffee for free

About 15 minutes later they then start calling your seat number and take you up to the studio. Once in the studio you are allowed to take photos before and after the recording of the show, but not during the show. I was in the second row on the floor. It was a great spot. I got to see all the behind-the-scenes stuff.
On set, crew having a meeting and preparing to film the different animals that were to appear on the show

One of the sets in the studio

the "Greenhouse" set in the studio

Audience seating
 So, what can I say about Martha.........well, she does not come across as the warmest person. What was strange was when a guest speaker was next to her before recording the segment she would not talk to them. She would just stare off into space. Now, maybe she was thinking about the up-and-coming segment, but it is not like she had to remember her lines because there was a telepromter. She may also just be a quiet person....who knows, but she was very closed off.

Prior to the recording we were told that she would answer three questions from the audience in relation to animals. Anyone who had a question had to tell the crew prior to the recording because they had to be screened before they were asked.

I really can't say whether I enjoyed the afternoon or not.....but it was definitely an experience.....Would I go to another recording of the "Martha Stewart Show".....I don't think so.