Sunday, October 16, 2011

NYC Subway (Part 2)

In my earlier post describing how to use the New York subway I don't think I mentioned the free entertainment you may get when riding a train. It is pretty common here for buskers to either be performing on platforms or inside trains. Yes - even inside the trains! A couple of times I have got on trains where there have been singers that will just start singing without any accompaniment. And they have been pretty good. But occasionally you get the odd turkey......For example I have even had one guy making the "beep beep" sound of the closing train door then going around the train carriage asking for money - yes you read right! Up at Times Square station Bryan and I have heard a Beatles Cover band playing (with drummer and all). They were really good. People were dancing, it was a great way to start a Friday night.

There are so many good musicians busking here in NYC it's kind of sad that they have to busk!

A couple of times I have been on the train when this Mexican group come on. They're dressed up in black cow boy hats, black jeans, black boots and white shirts with bright coloured embroidery. They sing Mexican songs and harmonize so beautifully. They play their guitars and sing for a station or two, quickly send their hats around the train carriage for tips, then when the train reaches the next station they move onto the next carriage and they start all over again.

The first time I was on a train and a female busker started singing I was quite shocked, but then a smile grew on my face. After all, she wasn't hurting anyone and she was actually very good. Then I thought of the old cliche - "Only in New York".