Thursday, October 20, 2011

Frogs and Protests

Saturday was an interesting day. We started off going down to our favorite diner, saying hi to all the wait staff there (yep, they have got to know us) and having our usual Saturday treat - Pancakes. Mmmmmm it makes me hungry just thinking about them.

After breakky we decided to go down to TKTS in the financial district to see if we could get some cheap tickets to Spiderman. And on the way down there we passed the "Occupy Wall St" protesters - they were walking up Broadway to Times Square. There were lots of Police, as well as media and tourists taking photos.

The police had the protesters route orchestrated in such a way that the protesters could walk on the sidewalk so they would not disrupt traffic. It was done really well, the police were not harassing the protesters, just providing them with a path that they could use when walking up Broadway.

Unfortunately, when we got to TKTS there were no tickets available for Spiderman and we decided to pass on seeing any of the other shows.  We then needed to think about what we were going to do for the rest of the afternoon, so we decided to head back up to the Natural History Museum to check out one of the special exhibits. The Frog Exhibit.

I'm not too sure if you remember from my previous post about the Natural History Museum but it is an awesome place, full of amazing dioramas of stuffed animals depicted in their natural setting. This time we went into the Northern American Animals section.

We then moved on the Frog exhibition. Now if you go to the Natural History Museum it can be a bit pricey. It costs $25.00 each adult to get in to see the main museum, then if you want to see a special exhibition it costs another $20.00 each. Now if I was a tourist I would not worry about these special exhibits unless you are really, really interested in the topic. As Google is a member of the Natural History Museum we get into the main Museum for free and to get into see the frog exhibit it cost $15.00 per person - so all in all not too bad.

Now to the frogs......the stars of the show..... I totally loved them. Some were so camouflaged with their surrounding you really had to look hard to find them. It was so much fun. And some were so tiny and brightly coloured, they were really pretty (but deadly). These frogs were not though because they were not given the food that they would normally eat in the wild. It's the food that they eat (in the wild) that makes them deadly. They digest the food then through pours (all over their body) they excrete this poison film. It was noted that Amazonian tribes only have to rub their spears against the frog's skin to make poisonous darts. Poisonous to both human and animal. But even still with that information - they are just so cute.

This is Mr Bashful!

This is Mr "Do not disturb me"!

This is Mr "Spotty" (how cool is the colour)

Check out this beautiful yellow frog

This is Mr "Commando"  (he was teal green with brown spots)

Can you see this little guy Mr "Tiny" (he is in the plant - hint: he is bright orange). This guy was smaller than the size of your pinky finger nail.

There were also black frogs with orange strips but they were really hard to find on the floor of their glass exhibit, and they were very camera shy!