Monday, October 3, 2011

Take me out to a ball game!

Yes! That's right folks I went to my first base ball game and what a fantastic time I had. It was the playoffs New York Yankees v's Detroit Tigers. It was a great game down to the last batter in the last innings.

It was a chilly day but that did not stop the great vibe on the subway ride up to Yankee stadium (which is located in the Bronx). The trains were full with people wearing their Yankee baseball shirts and caps.

Once we got there I bought some Yankee coloured beads to get into the spirit and Bryan and I made way to our seats.

We had seats between 3rd and Home, up a couple of levels (from ground level). We had a great holistic view of the game. Just be warned if you do want to go to a baseball game the tickets can be extremely expensive. They can be up to as much as $300 USD. If you go for the cheap seats you are actually sitting on bleacher seats (with no backing support) on the opposite side of the field. Tickets around where we were are around the $100 mark.

The baseball season is the end of March through to the beginning of November. Tours of Yankee stadium are also available except during the playoff period (October through to November).

Outside Yankee Stadium.

Just inside the ticket barriers within Yankee Stadium.

Yankee Stadium (how big is it!!!)

You know all those things you see and hear in movies when there is a scene at a baseball game (ie. Organ music, people calling out if you wanted to buy beer/food etc, eating hotdogs etc), well they all happened. People calling out "Get your hotdogs, get your hotdogs", organ playing fun music in between bats, the crowd yelling and cheering on their was amazing.

Yankee Dugout.

Umpires talking before the start of the game.

Yankee pitcher.

Detroit batter.

Yankee batter warming up.

Yankee batting.

Hawker selling beer.

They would display the name of the current batter up on one of the big screens. 

At the top of the 7th inning (known as the 7th inning stretch) they had an actor from Gossip Girl (sorry don't really know who he is) sing "God Bless America" then straight after it the organ played "Take me out to the ball game" and everyone sang along. Thank goodness they put the words up on the screen so I could also sing :)

The Gossip Girl actor singing "God Bless America".

Some of the crowd listening to "God Bless America".

It also started raining but Bryan and I both had our windbreaker jackets on so we were ok initially, but when the rain got heavier we ran for cover and thought about leaving. We hung around for a while to see if it would stop and it did.....well until the last couple of batters at the end of the game. But by that point the game was so close to finishing that we hung out in the rain to watch the last couple of pitches. We were so into the game we just had to see it to the end of the game.

Alex Rodriguez - Madonna's Ex.

Detroit player up close.

Batter up close.

Image at ground level.

The game started at 3pm. We left Yankee Stadium at 7pm.

What a great afternoon!