Monday, July 25, 2011

A Supermarket anyone?????

Ok, so here's the thing - I want to buy a few things for the apartment, things like dishwashing powder, food, toilet rolls, you know, all the basics.......well could anyone please tell me WHERE THE HELL I COULD FIND A SUPERMARKET IN THIS PLACE....I mean, come on!  A city this big and they don't have supermarkets (I am talking about - in the heart of the city). They have grocery stores (where all they sell is food) but alas no supermarkets. Oh sorry, there is one organic store but they are brands that I have never heard of and because it is a "green/organic" store everything is double in price.

So, to do the shopping I have to go to the grocery store then go to "Bed Bath and Beyond" for all other things like shampoo etc.......crazy huh!!!

The popular thing here is to do your grocery shopping online and have it delivered to your door. But you need to order a minimum of $30 worth of goods. That's great and all if you're organised, but when it comes to shopping I'm one of these people that pretty much visits the supermarket a couple of times a week........I kind a like going to the supermarket.....don't know why, considering I don't like cooking. I think it has something to do with looking at all the coloured packaging!!!!! I know - lock me up now!!! But if you can get yourself to a real American Supermarket you gotta do it. The amount of stuff they have is crazy! I would even go as far to say that I think American Supermarkets should be a recognised tourist attraction.

Anyway, getting back to my plight......

If you're visiting New York and are only going to be here for a short time there are mini convenience stores that do stock the basics.

Rule No12: Find out where your local CVS or Duane Reade store is. These stores are a combination of a pharmacy and convenience store. They are a god send. Some are even open 24 hours a day. Also if you get sick they may even have a nurse practitioner or doctor in the store. Don't forget those names "CVS" or "Duane Reade".