Monday, July 25, 2011

All I want is a coat hanger

When you move into a corporate apartment, there are a couple of hangers in the wardrobe (similar to hotels). So I decided to head off to one of my favourite stores "Bed, Bath and Beyond" (BBB) to buy some coat hangers. Now, the coat hangers the building had supplied us with were white so, to make it easy for us to identify which hangers were ours I thought ok, let's see if I could get some black hangers instead.

As I walked into (BBB) the wonderful cool air-conditioning hit my face and I am already excited about what I am going to discover. I get to the hanger section of the store and goodness me, there must be over 200 varieties of coat hangers available all displayed on this one huge wall. There were fat ones, skinny ones, wooden ones, ones that were for both skirts and shirts, ones that were for shirts only, pants only, metal ones and all different colours and textures. So what I thought would be a simple exercise, ended up taking over an hour and a half. I got so confused with all the different types of hangers I had to stop a few middle aged women and ask them what they were for! One woman looked at me as if I was from outer space! but once I told her that I was new to the country she explained what the different ones were for (not that it helped - in fact it added to the stressful situation). Who thought one could nearly have a panic attack over hangers.........well, in the end I went for these skinny plastic ones with rubber on the top. They're ok, but I think I will be going back to the basic plastic ones in the future.