Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Arriving at LAX

For those of you that have arrived and transferred through LAX before you know how painful it can be. And this time was no exception. Luckily I was rested enough to not get too frustrated. Speaking of well rested......the Business Class seats are really nice and comfortable. I spent most of my flight lying down watching movies. I did try to sleep but because it was an early morning flight it was quite difficult. I must also admit the Neil Perry food was really yummy especially the creme brulee dessert.

......anyway, getting back to transferring at LAX. What I thought would be difficult (immigration) was a breeze. When I got my residency papers in Sydney they give you a yellow envelope that you are not allowed to open and that you have to give to immigration once you get to LAX. They took it and I did the usual, finger printing, photo and 20 questions.....they processed the package and I was through. I must admit I was very impressed. The frustrating bit was just about to come. I picked up my luggage and had to re-check in to the next flight....crazy huh? Unlike going to Europe when going to the US you can't check your luggage all the way through to your final destination.  So I picked up my luggage and I had to wait in line to get my next luggage tag. There was only one lady at the counter and the line was soooo long. Once I got my ticket I then had to wheel my luggage to a guy standing near a conveyor belt and hand my suitcases off to him. You then need to figure out which terminal you need to get to, leg it to that terminal then stand in line and go through security clearance again (you still need to remove your shoes!!). Let's just say that LAX is one crazy mess. So by the time I got onto my next flight (which I only made with 5 mins to spare) I was utterly exhausted.

So I guess the moral of the story is ....... give yourself at least three and a half hours to transfer to your connecting flight. I thought three hours was enough!

Once I got to the other end Bryan was there to meet me. It was so wonderful seeing his happy, smiling face. We waited for my suitcase and then headed for our new home.