Friday, July 29, 2011

The MET and Little Italy

The first thing I need to do is apologise........I accidentally deleted the photos for this day, but on the good side I only took one or two.....

It was Saturday and Bryan wanted to go to the MET - The Metropolitan Museum of Art. It's located in Central Park. Once we got there it seemed that the rest of New York had the same idea, it was so busy. I can understand why - it was really hot and people were taking refuge in a cool place.

Now this place is HUGE!! We spent 3 hours in the MET and saw only a small section of the first floor. There are 3 floors and it is amazing. It is definitely somewhere that we will be going back many times. But it is expensive to get in $25.00, but because Bryan's company is a corporate sponsor we can get in for free. But even still I think it is worth the $25.00 entry fee. How So???? Let's just say it puts other Art Gallery's to shame. Each Hall (art period) has been architecturally designed to encompass that period so it feels like you have walked into a building of that period. For example, medieval art period - the Hall was done up similar to that of the of a Gothic church.

So make sure you wear your walking shoes. I also recommend that you hire the personal audio tours. Throughout the gallery are numbers under art works or as you enter a gallery hall. You can get specific information about a piece of art or an overview of the art in that hall. Bryan and I would sit on a bench and play the overview audio and then walk around the hall looking at the art and sculptures.

We decided after a couple of hours of walking around that we were hungry so we left the MET and went to a Metro diner and had hotdogs and fries!

After lunch we spent the rest of the day walking down 2nd Avenue home.

Later that night we headed out to Manhattan's Little Italy. This is a fun place. On a Friday evening and Saturdays after 12pm the streets are closed off so people can walk up and down the streets, going to bakeries, gelateria's, eating canollis and gelatos. It doesn't have the feel of Norton street but it is fun.