Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 1 in New York City

The apartment is small but nice. We are in a really good part of town - 10 mins walk to Times Square 10 mins walk to Greenwhich Village so all in all it is good. The apartment is a total mess. We still have stuff in boxes because we are moving up a couple of floors early next week. I can't wait to get it all sorted out.

Fire Escape Stairs 
 Photos from the rooftop of our apartment:
Empire State Building and New York skyline

Avenue of Americas also known as 6th Avenue which is where we live off

Other end of Avenues of Americas - if you look in the distance there is a building under construction that is the replacement building for the World Trade Centre

The big red building is Google and behind is the Hudson River

Entry to our apartment complex

Before I get to the good stuff about where I went today there are a couple of things you need to know about New York......

Rule No1: Avenues run North/South and streets run East/West. After a day or two you will realise how easy it is to navigate yourself around the city.

Rule No2: Make sure you bring your most comfortable walking shoes. New Yorkers walk everywhere and from the little that I have seen so far, it is the best way to travel around town.

From the corner of our Street

Rule No3: The city has really embraced smart phone technology. If you come to New York make sure you look up the different kind of apps that you can use on your smart phone such as the Tip app. This app helps you figure out how much tip you should leave for the service you are receiving. Because I use an andriod phone I don't know what the iphone app equivalent is called but I can probably guarantee that there is one that does the same.

Rule No4: Speaking of tipping........ General rule of thumb when it comes to tipping in a restaurant etc, if it is table service you tip, if it is counter service you don't tip. There are some places where you do order your food at the counter and a waitress will take your drinks order - in this case you will normally find signs that will tell you about tipping - but if you are not too sure just go to the attendee who sat you at your table (at the front of the restaurant) and they will tell you what the protocol is.

July/August is the hottest time of the year but everything is air-conditioned. We are currently experiencing a heat-wave here. Daily temperatures over 32 degrees which compared to Sydney is not too bad. The one thing that has amazed me is the sun. It is so soft on your skin compared to Sydney. Bryan and I have been out walking around the city in the hottest part of the day and the sun, even though hot, does not have that burning, biting feeling on your skin. You still need to put on sunscreen on but it is actually not that bad.

Rule No5: When shopping in the US some department stores (such as Macy's) usually have an additional discount option for international tourists. Just ask at any of the counters and they will direct you where to go in the store to apply for the discount. Just remember that you will need your passport to show as identification that you are indeed a tourist. So take your passport with you when you go shopping.

Outside of Macy's Times Square

This is literally the worlds largest department store!
Seating/Park out the front of Macys

By the time I got up on Friday morning, had a shower and was ready to hit the town I walked up to Macy's. Now this Macy's is like nothing I have seen before. It was crazy busy (doesn't anyone work in this city!!!) and it has 6 floors of just women's clothing. Bryan did tell me about it a few weeks ago, but I thought he was pulling my leg!!!! Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Macy's takes up a whole New York city block (which is really, really big). I didn't know where to look first. I was like a kid in a candy store! But you'll be very proud of me. I did not buy a single thing. I know, I hear your shocked response....I was just so overwhelmed...I kept asking myself, how is it possible to have so much choice available??? Anyway, I casually walked back home and had a nanna nap.

Rule No6: Time Square is always crazy busy - I have walked through there every day since being here and no matter what time of day or night, it is crazy so allow yourself enough time to soak up the atmosphere. I personally think night time is the best time to check this location out because of the lights.

Getting back to my story......When I woke up Bryan was home and guess where we decided to go for 'date night'.....yes! that's right! Hard Rock cafe. Anyone who knows us will know that when Hard Rock was open in East Sydney we used to go there every Friday night to listen to a band and indulge in some American food. Well, I thought because we have been apart for a month it would be great to re-live old times by going to Hard Rock in Times Square. All I can say is that .......It was crazy!!

The Hard Rock at Times Square is massive. They have a stage where bands can perform. We had a good time, but unlike the Sydney one, the Times Square one was really tourist'ee. Before going to your table they get a photo of you holding an electric guitar then through your meal they try and sell it to you.  But I guess you have to expect that when going to a tourist attraction such as this.

Entrance to Hard Rock Cafe - Times Square

A boy playing with an interactive wall - you can click and drag the images to learn more about the memorabilia

After I got home I crashed, but 5 hours later (3am) I was up....yes the dreaded jet-lag...grrrrr. Watched some TV - the home shopping network....I love that channel, the crap they spin to try to get you buy the product is so great. :) and then drifted off to sleep.

Madison Square Garden

Back end of Madison Square Garden