Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Model Train Show

Every year the New York Botanical Gardens plays host to the most amazing model train show. So we decided to head up to The Bronx to check it out. Housed with the Garden's Conservatory what's amazing about it is not the trains but the famous landmarks that are displayed around the trains. They are made from wood and the detail of the houses/buildings/bridges are all completed with natural flora pieces (eg, bark, seeds, nuts, twigs) from various the Botanical Gardens. As usual I went crazy taking photos, but don't worry, you're not going to have to browse through loads of them, I've uploaded only the best. Enjoy!


Christmas trees within the Gardens

Every park bench in the park was festooned with decorations.

The New York Botanical Gardens Conservatory - it was massive

The Train Master. Check out the decorations on his shoulders and feet!

The Train Show only took up one section of the Conservatory, so before heading into it we decided to take the opportunity to look at the different plant life that was in the rest of the conservatory.


St Patrick's Cathedral

George Washington Bridge

Grand Central Station

The Conservatory

Rockefeller's House (I think!) 

Yankee Stadium

Inner City New York apartments
 It was quite a big show but it took along time to get around and see everything because of the number of people. When you buy a ticket to the show you have to select a time slot so that the curators of the show can control the number of people going through the show at any one time (a really good concept!).

I totally loved it! I squealing like a child when I would see a train approaching. It put a smile on my face for the whole rest of the day.