Thursday, January 26, 2012

The First Winter Snow Fall

The snow finally arrived on Saturday so Bryan and I decided to go up to Central Park and walk around to enjoy the scenery and the children playing in the snow. It was just so magical. Snow turns New York city into a winter wonderland.

Snow on our window sill

Snow on the fire escape stairs on the building next to ours.

Me in my Eskimo coat, scarf, gloves, ear muffs. Man  it was cold!

Seventh Avenue

Central Park

Central Park

The "Imagine" memorial at the "Strawberry Fields" section of Central Park.

Central Park.

Dog with booties (these are popular). 

Bryan and I at Central Park.

A couple cross country skiing through Central Park.

Children sleighing down a hill in a Central Park.

A garbage truck scooping up snow off the street.
 After enjoying the snow we had lunch in a diner on the Upper East side and then headed to Serendipity 3.

If you are familiar with the movie "Serendipity" with John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale you will be familiar with this cafe. It is an amazing place that is known for its Frozen Hot Chocolate (a very thick cold chocolate shake).

Outside Serendipity 3
Inside Serendipity
Inside Serendipity.
Frozen Hot Chocolate.

The fancy and very big menu.
Be aware if you show up at Serendipity 3 for a yummy Sunday or a piece of cake the host at Serendipity says that there is normally a 30 - 45 minute wait (Bryan and I waited about 10 - 15 minutes). However, you can make a reservation if you're going to eat a meal as well as a dessert.

Bryan and I decided to share the "Can't Say No" sundae. It had a piece of Peanut Butter cake, with a banana, vanilla ice-cream, chocolate fudge and whipped cream. Oh my goodness!!!!!!! It was so yummy! It only took us 10 minutes to demolish it. I want another one now!

The "Can't Say No" Sundae.