Thursday, December 15, 2011

My first live Christmas Tree

I know it is probably not the most politically correct thing to do this day and age but Bryan and I decided we had to have a live Christmas tree in the apartment.

We were very fortunate in that there is a Christmas Tree street vendor right outside our apartment block. Let me just say it's not as cheap as I thought it would be. We bought a tiny one and I had to bargain the guy down to $70 including the stand. But it may be the only time that I have a live Christmas tree so it was worth it.

Bryan checking out the different types of Christmas trees.
We ended up getting a Douglas Fir. It smells wonderful.

The vendor getting the tree into its stand.

Bryan with our tree.

Bryan bringing our tree up to our apartment
We then had to go out and buy some decorations. Now that was a lot of fun. Bryan's mum (Marty) has got me addicted to Christmas ornaments. So we went to Macys and bought some fun American and New York ornaments.

Our tree