Sunday, January 15, 2012

Where's the F****** Snow?

Ok, the joke has gone on long enough New York.......ha, ha, you can bring on the snow now people!

It is the middle of January and there is still no snow in New York city. Can you believe it! I certainly can't. Today we had the top temperature of -6 C and still no snow. I feel like I've been gypped. Bryan and I went out at 11am and it was freezing. I had on my Eskimo coat (it is a thick coat that has Down in it) on, hood up, ear muffs on, ski gloves on (my normal leather gloves were not warm enough) and a scarf wrapped around the bottom half of my face. I loved walking around in this weather. I most certainly could not run it, but it is fun to walk around. But, IT WOULD'VE BEEN BETTER IF THERE WAS SNOW!!!

I'll keep you posted when/if we get snow.