Thursday, August 25, 2011

New York Diners

New York Diners are the one thing that I truly love about New York city. Each is unique in appearance. Most are open 24 hours, the true diners have what they call "home style" cooking (the closest thing you are going to get to home cooking), you get the real New Yorkers eating in them and they have a really comfy, casual vibe about them. Alot of them have been around for decades so they have all that retro furniture which is really cool! Plus one added thing is that they are relatively cheap for the portion sizes you get. I can't speak highly enough of them.

My favourite diner that I have found so far is on the corner of 34th and 8th - the "Tick Tock Diner".  Coming next is "Malibu Diner" on 23rd between 6th and 7th Avenue.

I just feel that if you really want to see where New Yorkers go to eat, yeah you could go to a swanky restaurant down in the Meat Packing district or you could make your way to a good local diner.