Thursday, November 17, 2011

An Interview with Diane Keaton

Once again, I went to one of the interview sessions that the New York Public Library run. This month is was Diane Keaton and boy is she funny! I really enjoyed the interview. She was extremely candid about her romance with Woody Allen and about how she felt that she knew that she couldn't have it all which is why she never married. I was approximately 4 rows from the front so I could really see her and boy is she beautiful even now in her mid sixties.

We got a copy of her new book "Then Again" which is all about her family, especially her mother. She was extremely close to her mother. When asked what was her greatest love affair, everyone was expecting her to say Woody Allen or Warren Beatty but she said it was her mother.

There was lots of laughing and at times when she read from her book she cried. She was dressed all in white and had on a beret hat, reading glasses - pretty much her trademark look. She took questions from the audience and after the interview she hung around to sign people's books. The line was very long. I stood in line for 15 minutes and it did not move so I decided to bail. It would've been nice for her to sign my book but I got what I came for - a glimpse into what makes Diane Keaton tick - so I was happy to head home.

I strongly recommend if you are coming to New York go and look on the New York Public Library website under the live series to see if there is anyone that interests you. The tickets are only $29.00 (probably one of the cheapest things you can do in NYC) and it is a lot of fun seeing someone well known open up and talk about their life.