Monday, November 7, 2011


Yes folks, Halloween has come and gone for another year but I must say that here in NYC is unlike anything I have ever seen here before. Shop Assistants were dressed up and everyone was in a playful mood.

On the evening of Halloween there is a massive Halloween parade down Sixth Avenue in Soho. But I must warn you that if you are going to attend any time soon be prepared for millions of people. I saw a bit of the parade but I was about 15 people back. The parade starts at 7pm and goes until 11pm. But people are still partying into the wee hours of the morning (even if the next day is a school day!).

What normally takes me about 3 minutes to walk a block, when the parade was on it took 15 minutes!! I had to hold my camera above my head and I would take a few steps then the crowd would stop moving for a couple of minutes then we would move a few steps more, and on it went. I would not have wanted to have been stuck in the crowd if I was clostrophobic......the only good thing was that everyone was in a fun and happy mood so no-one got upset or angry everyone just patiently waited until they could move.

The real party occurs on the side streets where those who are not participating in the parade, walk up and down showing off their costumes. This is where I spent most of the time. It was so much fun.

Two girls out tick-or-treating

some police officers ready to control the crowd

another child out trick-or-treating with her mum and dad

Some guy decided to take his pig for a walk during the parade!!!
It's crazy that someone could have a large pig like this in their apartment!