Thursday, November 17, 2011

I feel the need ...... the need for speed

Bryan and I recently went to the "Intrepid". It is an aircraft carrier located on the Hudson River that has been converted to the Air, Sea, and Space museum.

Overall it is a good museum but the aircraft carrier itself is old. It's been preserved but old, so if you think you are going to see what the latest aircraft carrier looks and feels like then this will be a bit of a disappointment.

Once you get past that the museum is really well designed. The Intrepid had a few famous sailors on it when it was in active duty "George Bush" senior and republican senator "John McCain" - you know the guy that ran for president against Obama....

Republican Senator John McCain

George Bush Senior

We spent most of the day there checking out how the sailors lived and worked on the vessel. It was pretty good, but I must warn you that the entrance price is pretty steep $25.00 for a basic pass. If you want an audio tour that costs more and if you want to ride on some of the rides they have in the museum it is $9.00 per ride. Bryan and I paid $35.00 and they got us entrance to the museum, audio tour and one ride.

If you are into fighter planes then you will see all different training and retired fighter planes from around the world on the hanger deck. Planes from Italy, Israel and Great Britain.

Bryan trying out one of the gun turrets

Overall it is a great museum but I don't think it is one that you absolutely MUST see if you are holidaying in New York.