Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ice Hockey at Madison Square Garden

It's crazy, we only live a couple of blocks from Madison Square Garden but up until now we haven't seen anything inside it. Well that all changed last Friday night when Bryan and I went to see the New York Rangers vs the Carolina Hurricanes in an Ice Hockey game.

Outside Madison Square Garden

It was a lot of fun and if you are in New York when the ice hockey season is on, you gotta try to get yourself to a game. Although I must admit that when we saw the Dallas All Stars play the Anaheim Mighty Ducks the between periods entertainment was a lot of fun and laughter. At the Rangers game there wasn't any real entertainment. Mostly that was when people ran out and got them selves a hot dog, drink and snacks.

The Rangers warming up - before the start of the game

It was Veteran's Day so they had a cadet from West point sing the anthem.

Start of the game.

Rangers score their first point. You can see the puck in the net.

There is something that I need to confess.......I finally ate liquid cheese. Can you believe it! Liquid cheese!! I had it on my hot dog. It was by accident I must admit. The young lady behind the counter asked if we wanted cheese on our hot dog and I said yes, thinking it was going to be grated/shredded cheese, then when I saw this bright yellow stuff on my hot dog I had to ask Bryan what it was......Liquid Cheese.....Strangely enough it didn't taste too bad but then again, I was having a hot dog, so pretty much anything can taste good on a hot dog. But let's just say that I won't be going out of my way to have it again though.

One of the two Zamboni es resurfacing the rink.

Anyway back to the ice hockey. If you are going to see it be prepared to pay.....that is if you can get tickets. Most of the tickets are held by season pass holders and if they cannot make it to a game they sell them on various ticket websites. Our tickets were up towards the back of the rink (we still had a fantastic view) and they were $119.00 each. So it's not cheap!

Change ups

Trying to get to the puck

A bit of a biff-up!

Look, we had a good time. Will we be doing it again anytime soon? Maybe, but I don't think we are going to go out of our way to find anymore tickets.

The Rangers holding up their hockey sticks thanking the fans.

BTW the New York Rangers Won!

I feel the need ...... the need for speed

Bryan and I recently went to the "Intrepid". It is an aircraft carrier located on the Hudson River that has been converted to the Air, Sea, and Space museum.

Overall it is a good museum but the aircraft carrier itself is old. It's been preserved but old, so if you think you are going to see what the latest aircraft carrier looks and feels like then this will be a bit of a disappointment.

Once you get past that the museum is really well designed. The Intrepid had a few famous sailors on it when it was in active duty "George Bush" senior and republican senator "John McCain" - you know the guy that ran for president against Obama....

Republican Senator John McCain

George Bush Senior

We spent most of the day there checking out how the sailors lived and worked on the vessel. It was pretty good, but I must warn you that the entrance price is pretty steep $25.00 for a basic pass. If you want an audio tour that costs more and if you want to ride on some of the rides they have in the museum it is $9.00 per ride. Bryan and I paid $35.00 and they got us entrance to the museum, audio tour and one ride.

If you are into fighter planes then you will see all different training and retired fighter planes from around the world on the hanger deck. Planes from Italy, Israel and Great Britain.

Bryan trying out one of the gun turrets

Overall it is a great museum but I don't think it is one that you absolutely MUST see if you are holidaying in New York.

An Interview with Diane Keaton

Once again, I went to one of the interview sessions that the New York Public Library run. This month is was Diane Keaton and boy is she funny! I really enjoyed the interview. She was extremely candid about her romance with Woody Allen and about how she felt that she knew that she couldn't have it all which is why she never married. I was approximately 4 rows from the front so I could really see her and boy is she beautiful even now in her mid sixties.

We got a copy of her new book "Then Again" which is all about her family, especially her mother. She was extremely close to her mother. When asked what was her greatest love affair, everyone was expecting her to say Woody Allen or Warren Beatty but she said it was her mother.

There was lots of laughing and at times when she read from her book she cried. She was dressed all in white and had on a beret hat, reading glasses - pretty much her trademark look. She took questions from the audience and after the interview she hung around to sign people's books. The line was very long. I stood in line for 15 minutes and it did not move so I decided to bail. It would've been nice for her to sign my book but I got what I came for - a glimpse into what makes Diane Keaton tick - so I was happy to head home.

I strongly recommend if you are coming to New York go and look on the New York Public Library website under the live series to see if there is anyone that interests you. The tickets are only $29.00 (probably one of the cheapest things you can do in NYC) and it is a lot of fun seeing someone well known open up and talk about their life.

It's Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas....

On Sunday night Bryan and I went and saw the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall and all I can say is, if you are in New York at Christmas time you MUST check this show out! I was smiling from the moment the curtain raised to the last note of the final song.

Each year the Rockettes (a troop of beautiful approx 40 women) put on a singing and dancing spectacular around all things Christmas in New York. Even Santa is in it. It is a family show which goes for just over an hour and it is wonderful. I came out of the show all excited that the Christmas season has begun.

I don't want to give too much away but it was one of the best things that I have done/seen/been to since coming to New York city.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Yes folks, Halloween has come and gone for another year but I must say that here in NYC is unlike anything I have ever seen here before. Shop Assistants were dressed up and everyone was in a playful mood.

On the evening of Halloween there is a massive Halloween parade down Sixth Avenue in Soho. But I must warn you that if you are going to attend any time soon be prepared for millions of people. I saw a bit of the parade but I was about 15 people back. The parade starts at 7pm and goes until 11pm. But people are still partying into the wee hours of the morning (even if the next day is a school day!).

What normally takes me about 3 minutes to walk a block, when the parade was on it took 15 minutes!! I had to hold my camera above my head and I would take a few steps then the crowd would stop moving for a couple of minutes then we would move a few steps more, and on it went. I would not have wanted to have been stuck in the crowd if I was clostrophobic......the only good thing was that everyone was in a fun and happy mood so no-one got upset or angry everyone just patiently waited until they could move.

The real party occurs on the side streets where those who are not participating in the parade, walk up and down showing off their costumes. This is where I spent most of the time. It was so much fun.

Two girls out tick-or-treating

some police officers ready to control the crowd

another child out trick-or-treating with her mum and dad

Some guy decided to take his pig for a walk during the parade!!!
It's crazy that someone could have a large pig like this in their apartment!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Operation Jack-o-Lantern

So here's the thing.....we all know from the TV and movies how Americans celebrate Christmas. They decorate and really go all out - it's fantastic. Well I would have to say that Halloween comes in a close second. Locals that I spoke to said that Halloween was their favorite holiday, because they get to dress up and have fun.

Unlike in Australia where you have fancy dress for birthday parties, Christmas parties etc, Americans only do fancy dress (or "costumes") once a year and that is Halloween. Regardless of whether it falls on a school night or a weekend, they go all out. And on Halloween night there is a massive Halloween parade that goes up Sixth Avenue. More about the parade later.....

One month before Halloween these "pop-up" Halloween stores open up and sell everything related to Halloween. From costumes, to scary robotics, to fake blood, teeth and blood-sucking babies. They sell it all.

Halloween "Pop-Up" store

A baby doll eating a human brain
A scary creature
Shops, houses, everyone gets in on decorating their place with spider webs, rats and all things gory.

A shop front done up for Halloween

One thing that people do is make jack-o-lanterns out of pumpkins. There is a mad rush a couple of days before Halloween to buy pumpkins and carve out a scary face or scene and then light it up on Halloween. So I decided "when in Rome......" . I bought two pumpkins one for Bryan to carve out and one for me, and on Sunday afternoon we sat down and did it. So if you want to know how to go about it the steps are below.

What you need to make a jack-o-lantern:
* pumpkin
* carving tools
* pattern
You can usually buy the carving tools and patterns in those "Halloween pop-up" stores for $6.00.

2. Make sure you put paper down because the next couple of steps gets messy.

3. Next cut out the bottom of the pumpkin, big enough so that you can fit your hand into it.

4. Now this is the really gross part, start scooping out the innards of the pumpkin. I'll warn you that you will get pumpkin under your nails. But it is all worth it in the end.
5. Next, turn the pumpkin back up on it's top then stick on the pattern.

6. Use the carving wheel (a tool that comes with the pack) and trace around the picture. It should leave tiny dots.

7. Take the paper off and using the drill tool go around the outline drilling holes to make the outline easier to see.

8. Using of the the carving saws in the pack start cutting out the image. And keep going until you have finished.

9. Finally, put a light/torch in your lantern, turn off the lights in the room and admire your handiwork.

Pretty cool huh? All in all, it took us about 3 hours to do. It was a lot of fun!