Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Bryan and I got up at the crack of dawn on Thanksgiving Day to fly to Cincinnati for a few days with his family. It was a lovely break. Bryan is so unbelievably busy with his role that it was nice to see him relax a little. It was also great catching up with his family.

Being Thanksgiving we had lots of yummy food - turkey, green bean casarole, pumpkin pie, pecan pie (wow! i'm getting hungry just thinking back on it! :). So we kept up with the tradition and stuffed ourselves silly with food and watched football. My excuse - I had to prepare and store up energy for the next day's event - "Black Friday"!

Black Friday in the US is like Boxing Day in Australia -  Crazy Shopping Sales Day. But the Americans really know how to put on a Sale. When they say "Sale" it really is a "Sale". It's my Christmas Day!

Compared to other years Bryan and I did not go crazy this year, after all we still have the "after Christmas sales" to go.

So I bought some warm clothes, a new pair of red boots (that match beautifully with my red leather jacket) and a new Coach handbag.