Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'll have what she is having!

Yes folks, if you're familiar with that famous line from "When Harry Met Sally" you'll know where Bryan and I got to on Saturday Afternoon, Katz Deli. This is where Meg Ryan had that famous fake orgasm whilst chowing down on a pastrami and rye sandwich. For those of you that are familiar with "Sex in the City" I believe this deli was also a favorite haunt of Carrie and the girls.

Katz is known for their really large hot sandwiches so if you do decide to venture down to the lower east side of Manhattan make sure you bring your appetite. Also, bring your wallet because the sandwiches are not cheap. They are around $15.75 per sandwich (not including tax). But, they are so big that you could get away with eating half of a sandwich there and then taking the rest home for the next day. (That's pretty much what I did.)

The deli has a very casual feel to it. On entry you get a yellow ticket which you must keep on you at all times. What I really liked about it is when you go to the counter to order your sandwich they cut a bit of the meat off that you have requested and give it to you to eat whilst you are waiting for them to make your sandwich.

Inside the deli.

Inside the deli.

The yellow ticket that you take up to the counter when you order your sandwich. Once you have finished your meal you walk over to the register and hand them your ticket. It will indicate how much you owe.

Bryan's Pastrami on Rye (with mustard). One thing that I just can't get used to here is the fascination with pickles. Everything comes with a bloody pickle on the side!!!!

Now that's a sandwich!
I had roast brisket (roast beef) on rye, without any condiments and it was amazing. I definitely think we'll be heading back to Katz's the next time we are in a carnivorous mood!