Friday, April 20, 2012

Spring has sprung in New York City

For the first time Spring and Easter are aligned in the same season for me, so New York seemed extra pretty. There were lots of easter decorations and NYC had put on a display of tulips, daffodils and other bright pretty flowers. All over the city you can see pretty colourful flowers. It's amazing how they can beautify a concrete jungle such as New York.

One block away on 28th street is the flower district. The colour and perfume of the flowers available was amazing. 

Flower district

Flower district

Throughout the city the pots are filled with brightly coloured flowers.

In one of the small parks near 34th street.

Kerbside on 5th Avenue 

Outside the NY Public Library

Kerbside outside the NY Public Library

NY Public Library

Rockefeller Center

Rockefeller Center
It inspired me to decorate the apartment for Easter so I went out bought some Easter decorations and flowers and coloured up the apartment.